a mailbox

Reporting office, made easy!

Do you already have an internal reporting office in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act?

Contact us now

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The Problem



For employers with 50 up to 249 employees, the deadline for deadline for setting up the internal reporting office is December 17, 2023.
By this deadline, the companies concerned must have set up a reporting office that meets the legal requirements.



Failure to act not only creates the risk of fines, but also the danger that employees will turn directly to the criminal prosecution authorities or to external reporting offices, such as those set up by the Federal Office of Justice.

Our Solution

Secure contact solutions

Reports can be submitted to us by telephone, e-mail or via our anonymous contact form. We ensure that your company complies with all legal requirements


Qualified handling of cases

Proper processing and confidentiality protection are guaranteed. We will then advise your company on how to deal with the notification from a legal perspective.

contact us now

e-mail icon kontakt@cci-legal.de phone icon +49 (0)89 - 512 666 9 - 0

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